Forgiveness is freedom. We are not the same person we were yesterday. Any attempt at forgiveness asks us to let others show us that they can change. We cannot hold onto our perceptions of others because people contain multitudes. Free yourself by letting people exist as changing, evolving, and transforming. When we are able to forgive, we give ourselves space for love to pour in again.
& I LOVE THEM ALL reflects my commitment to love, and forgiveness. Every absolution gave way for love’s abundance and with time love’s presence became more prevalent. As I worked to heal, I found myself wanting to hold onto every interaction, preserve it, and save it for later. I started capturing short vignettes, looking for intimate moments where I felt gratitude for the love present. I sequenced the videos dynamically to emulate the fluctuating nature of love and forgiveness. Layered imagery alludes to the complexity and depth of atonement, and the duality of losing while also gaining.